Yandex.Metrica is a popular free web analytics service that helps you get interesting and useful information: how many users visited a site, what actions they took there, which platform is the most profitable.
The metrics make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, determine the geolocation of visitors, and obtain a description of the target audience. Analysis of these and many other data enables a specialist to more accurately formulate a marketing strategy for promoting a business.
In addition to standard reports, the service allows whatsapp number australia you to use additional interesting tools such as a click map and a webvisor that records video of user actions.
It is necessary to take into account the following factor: the service works more effectively in the online space of the Russian language.
Google Trends
It is worth noting the Google Trends service, which has been operating in Russia since 2013. It studies the dynamics of consumer demand, analyzes popular search queries, and studies competitors' activity. Google Trends helps to understand what topics and events interest users, and how geographic data influences search.
Google Trends

The service provides statistics on consumer requests for a certain period of the past, makes it possible to understand how things are currently, examine the data obtained and get a forecast for the future.
An Internet business owner can understand in which regions it is necessary to increase activity and at what point. For an informational site, the service will show the most popular queries or high-rating topics, which is important for expanding the semantic core.
The advantages of the service include simplicity and ease of use, accessibility, and the ability to obtain global data for analysis.
However, there are also some downsides: mostly relative figures are given and, in addition, there is a lack of quality content.
Onpage Optimization Tool
Onpage Optimization Tool is a fairly simple tool that helps optimize content on the pages of a website. It successfully explores the resource, studying the density of keywords, external links, and other parameters.
The advantage of the service: in one click it studies the published content by links, keywords and stop words, puts the text in order, makes it simple and understandable. It catches the reader, does not stumble on complex phrases and perceives it more positively.
But there are also downsides: the service will not explore unpublished content. The interface, which seems a bit outdated, needs to be updated.
Marketing Grader
Marketing Grader is a brainchild of HubSpot. It conducts a quality audit of the site, assessing:
Performance: analyzes loading speed, page size and other characteristics.
SEO: determines the convenience of a website for searching and using not only by visitors, but also by search bots.
Mobility: The usability of the site is examined when accessing it from mobile devices.
Security: the presence of an SSL certificate is checked, which confirms the authenticity of the site and is responsible for the secure transfer of data.
The advantages are obvious: the service is extremely simple and easy to use and can be recommended for novice analysts.
Cons: Advanced SEO specialists consider the resource primitive and uninteresting for themselves, since it does not provide deep immersion into the processes.
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Career Path of a Marketer
A marketer has the opportunity to grow up the career ladder. The most logical options are to build a career, reach heights in the profession, and also organize your own business or remain a freelancer.
The most understandable and realistic career growth is to become a leading marketer, and from there it’s a stone’s throw to the marketing director’s chair. When considering these options, you can use two paths. The first is to strengthen your position, master professional skills to perfection, develop organizational skills - this is a direct path to the position of marketing director. If you become an expert in using one or two tools, you can become a department head.
If you feel professionally confident, you can go freelance, where your income is influenced by your ability to promote yourself, communicate with clients, and self-discipline skills.
A freelancer can improve their professional skills, develop their level of expertise. They can choose to expand their activities — work hard, completing more orders. There will be a need to hire assistants, and then the freelancer can call themselves the head of their own agency.
It is certainly worth thinking about, but you will have to prepare for many problems and obstacles. For starters, find specialists and train them to work in a team.
What is needed for development?
To advance to manager or director, a marketer must:
Learn to take responsibility not only for yourself, but also for your team.
Know everything in the field of marketing: understand how marketing tools work, be able to build a working strategy.
Develop soft skills: organize team work, possess the art of persuasion, negotiate with clients, coordinate work with other departments.
Take the initiative.
An employer, considering a candidate for the position, will definitely pay attention to the applicant's experience. It is unrealistic to take the position of a marketing director without professional knowledge and successfully completed projects. So, having experience, the ability to work effectively in a team, and management skills increase the chance of taking the position of a marketer.