Evidence for a DUI Arrest: Field Sobriety Tests

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Evidence for a DUI Arrest: Field Sobriety Tests

Post by fomayof928@mowline »

Expert witnesses can provide testimony on various aspects of a case. For example, a forensic toxicologist might explain how alcohol affects the body. An accident reconstructionist might analyze the events leading up to a traffic stop.

Evidence for a DUI Arrest: Field Sobriety Tests
Field sobriety tests are a common method used by police to determine if a how to write philippine phone number driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These tests are performed during a traffic stop when an officer suspects a driver may be impaired. They are designed to assess a driver's physical and cognitive abilities, which may be affected by alcohol or drugs.

One of the most well-known field sobriety tests is the walk and turn test. In this test, the driver is asked to walk a certain number of steps in a straight line from heel to toe. They are asked to turn around on one foot and walk back the same way.

The officer looks for signs of impairment. These include loss of balance, taking false steps or not following instructions.

Another common test is the one-leg stand test. Here, the driver must stand on one leg while counting out loud until told to stop.


The test helps officers assess balance and coordination. Signs of impairment include swaying, jumping or dropping the foot.

The horizontal gaze nystagmus test is also often used. In this test, the officer moves an object, such as a pen or flashlight, horizontally in front of the driver's eyes.

The driver is asked to follow the object with his eyes and not move his head. The officer will look for jerking movements of the eyes, which may indicate impairment.
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